However, there are definitely moments that seem like more trouble than its worth, especially since the payoff is just another level to attempt.

I am honestly rather conflicted about World of Goo, some levels are just brilliant, with interesting execution of the game’s core mechanics. Although, there is something to be said about how much retail the fingers take up on the screen, making for some aggravating missed clicks.

I’ll admit that using these pointers didn’t feel nearly as accurate as the touchscreen controls while in portable mode. A second player can even jump in for a bit of co-operative play.
Playing in TV mode has the player using the Joy-Con like a Wii-mote, pointing a cursor to make moves. It’s a puzzle game just about everyone has played, but it is a solid puzzle game that is sort of timeless. While the symbolism is certainly interesting, there just isn’t anything new to be had for the Switch version, other than the obvious portability. World of Goo presents a bleak world, void of humans, with our player left to cheer for these determined little globs of goo. There are some interesting commentaries the game makes on industrialism, which is interesting. These levels feel more like pushing a boulder uphill than coming up with a creative solution. Of course, there are little fireflies the player can touch to pull back time a few moves, but sometimes this is made more tricky than needs to be using the Switch tablet. The worst of these levels are the ones that has the player escorting larger characters through the stage. Some levels even has the player utilizing weird tricks that seem like bugs in the game’s engine, but are touted as features by the game’s cheeky sign painter. Solving them is usually fulfilling, but later levels just left me feeling frustrated and unsure what I was doing wrong.Īfter the first world is complete, the game gets pretty tough pretty fast. It has fairly simple mechanics, mixed with ever increasingly more difficult objectives, making for some interesting levels. Gameplay revolves around knowing the physics engine and just how much stress each ligament of the structure can take before breaking. To do this, the player must build interconnecting structures, either to reach high areas or around obstacles. The objective is to get the amount of blobs of goo needed into a pipe, where they are sucked into a holding chamber. Visually, World of Goo is fairly interesting, using industrial motifs with cute colored blobs and a simple color palette. Now, this classic puzzle game has made its way to the Nintendo Switch, but is there enough in this port to entice new players or is it an act of frustration?
In fact, it was one of the first full games I was able to run on my junk Windows XP machine way back when. World of Goo has been around for quite some time, being a fairly unique PC game that could run on just about any computer system of the last ten years or so.