If the Sun was scaled down to the size of a white blood cell, the Milky way would be the size of the continental United States. paradox: repeatedly taking the simplest option leads to greatest complexity. Whether that is "micro" or not is entirely too subjective for me. An implementation of a service should always be both minimal and cohesive, and it should be complete. They were desirable concepts of C++ class libraries two decades ago. Minimality and cohesiveness aren't surprising new challenges. markbnj: I feel like microservices as a thing is one of the least meaningful tech fads I have seen. This helps in 99% of cases, and where it doesn't it is simply because there is a resource that cannot be cached and that the edge must revisit the origin for. buro9: Best way to defend against an L7 DDoS is to have the origin hidden, and to cache everything at a large number of geographically distributed PoPs. entanglement dictates if one programmer is writing productive good code, another somewhere is inexplicably porting to JavaScript.
Except when other threads/cores frequently update a variable, try to keep those separately to reduce false sharing. Ensure variables needed about same time are near each other, so that a single cache line fill will get all. vardump: When performance matters, don't chase pointers (references) and don't ever do random memory accesses if you can avoid it.
Devices in use, end of 2014: ~1.5bn PCs 7-800m consumer PCs 1.2-1.3bn closed Android 4-500m open Android 650-675m iOS 80m Macs, ~75m Linux. are only so many times one can re-learn the same patterns for remote procedure calls before one gets mightily sick of it. Suspected main causes for slow programs: A) Doing unnecessary work B) Waiting for unnecessary work to be done. "Our distributed file system doesn't work quite right and performs like crap." "OK, we'll just call it an object store then.". but the boom is caused by having 3bn people online and a generational change in the tech platform from PC to mobile. key msgs at #AWSSummit : "Developers, we love you (IaaS is so yesterday)!" and "Go 'server-less' - deploy code as Lambda microservices". Garbage collection, in particular, is a notorious cause of “network” partitions, because it delays messages. IP2LOCATION VARIABLES WORDPRESS FUNCTION SOFTWARE
aphyr: Real software is fuzzier: our processes are usually not realtime, which means the network effectively extends within the node.and I are seeing new throughput highs on Aeron after simplifying and cutting indirection. At a Devops Chicago meetup I asked how many people had experienced partitions in their datacenters, and over half the room raised hands.The Shut-In Economy: They end up asking each other which apps they work for: Postmates.NYSE halted, United grounds flights due to computer glitch, WSJ website is down.When you are talking a matter of milliseconds it's hard to match the ground track video to the sensors Elon Musk~ one of the biggest challenges in the CRS-7 event is matching events to the exact time.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: How unpredictability rises faster and faster with dimensionality: add one variable to 100 and error doubles.
At scale, architecture dominates material. ironic but what the unexpected thing was that everything went exactly as we hoped. ( 1,425%: malware attack ROI 33333/sec: BP oil well datapoints generated 8 million: mumified dogs 5 billion: Apple map requests per week 10 billion: parameter neural net in your basement 1 trillion: records in Yahoo's Sherpa. Spying on an ant holding its favorite microchip.